Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Reading _ Reflection_ Week-#6

Queen Umeana
EDT 5500 ~950
Reading _ Reflection
Vcast - Week #6

The video podcast (vcast) by Dick Hardt was okay. It’s an attention grabber for awhile. But, afterwards, I lost interest, not in the video but in the audio. Other vcast I have seen is much calmer in conveying the topic. I guess it depends on what the author is trying to get to his audience. There is a vcast I came across that not crabbed my attention, but I liked what the project makers do. It’s about a couple of people, 16 in all, that do science related projects, called over the weekend project. It was more real in its presentation. It was very visual and you could actually here comments from all involved in the project. The project was about having a balloon go into space. If you would like to know more about this vcast, click this link. In comparison to Hardt vcast, fast passed presentation, the style seems slightly stale. He did hit some good points when it came to having an idea of what identity 2.0 was all about. He walked through the current accepted forms of identity, along the way, made some jokes that kept his audience in tuned, which lead to the problems folks are facing today with identity crisis; along with the different amounts of info or identity on various wikipedia sites. He points out how one has to prove their identity so many times during their life currently (birth, passport, driver’s license). He addressed how identity right now, are kept behind a walled garden such as Google’s but articulated that what is needed is identity 2.0

He expressed the benefit of identity 2.0 such as portable credentials, rich portable profiles, identity services and delegation just to name a few. This type of vcast is great for those that want to be engaged in a fast paste presentations, for those that aren’t quit interested in the content per say. But for those, that want a vcast, full of content, presentation style, and how fast the vcast is going, perhaps might want to consider other vcast out there..

As for distraction, I did not see any distraction in Dick’s presentation. I do however, look to having a little distraction when creating my vcast. I’m assuming from despair, sitting down and playing with the video editing would be my distraction.

Dick Hardt presentation overall, was informative and a good way of using this is by showing the different methods of podcasting. “It captured the complexities of participating in an online world and how identity is at the center of the Web experience.” (Dan Farber)


Hardt, Dick (2005). Identity 2.0 . Oscon 2005 Keynote - Identity 2.0, from

Farber, Dan. Identity 2.0. Oscon 2005 Keynote - Identity 2.0, from

Philliptorrone, (2007, March, 3). DIY SPACE - Make: Video Podcast. Retrieved June 20th 2007, from

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