Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Adobe Flash CS3- Week #7_ Reading Reflection

Queen Umeana
EDT 5500 ~950
Reading _ Reflection
Adobe Flash CS3- Week #7

Macromedia Flash is a very interactive software. I have basic experience with Flash MX and for the most part, creating animation, text and images are simple. However, the detail of creating any animation is what takes much concentration. In one of our assignment projects, I think project #2, we were to use flash to create a simple presentation. Macromedia Flash, people seem to either love it or hate it. As its popularity continues to grow across the internet, so are certain misconceptions of this software. While reading the article, several points were made as to the ways some people feel about flash. Some people feel that flash animations are too slow, take to long to download, that anyone can build a Flash animation and that flash is nothing more than eye catching software. I would think there is a grain of truth as to what people are saying. Flash is a cool tool, it provides relatively low impact, high payback, in the means of creating compelling, entertaining and effective customer interactions. Animations and images created with flash are rich in graphics, such as banners, games, navigation systems, and an entire website. Millions of money is being made by developers of flash. It gives designers a platform to create cartoons, videos, and games especially, those that gear towards young people. Such as website that dance and sing, with ease. The article expressed how flash has gotten a new interface, one that makes it consistent with the rest of the CS3 suite including Photoshop and illustrator. Some of the vector based tools are a lot easier to use than Photoshop equivalents. Having the ability to open up a PNG file with firework is some of the upgraded features in the interface. Being able to see a quick – edit option on the right click conceptual makes navigation easier. It opens a streamlined Photoshop for quick rotate, crop and red eye tools feature without loading up the full application. By having this entire feature in one, means designers would be able too, quickly, and easily jump between programs and keep on working. The panels are all collapsible. CS3 includes workspace preference so their can be one for home, office and perhaps laptops.

A feature mentioned in the article, is the video importer. It allows for the ability to deinterlace video. As I look forward to using this program for my project, based on this new empowered upgrade of flash CS3, I do not believe it would be too difficult in creating any animation. However, the time it would take to create these layers is what I do not look forward too, due to its time consumption.

As flash CS3 focused on making the entire CS work together well, I think most people would be more willing to learn its product. Being able to download a free trail for those beginners just makes the burning desire to want to learn a new product more exciting especially, when tons or no money is involved. For those high end -spenders, that are developers that designs for a living, is when it’s necessary to have high end programs. Incorporating all of the adobe products into one, make the live of any developer simpler.
Wouldn’t you agree?

Stewart, Ryan (2007, April l9). The Top 5 new features in Flash CS3.from


Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Community Resources: LHC – Computer Learning Center

Vedio Podcast - EDT 5500 Class:

One thing to take away from this vcast, if nothing else, is to know that there are helps in the community and its just a matter of taking the time to seek them out because, there are highly motivated individuals that wants to contribute to the community, especially in the underdeveloped environments, by giving their services in hope, it will impact the life’s of those who lives there.

If you would like to know more about CLC, please visit : LHC

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Reading _ Reflection_ Week-#6

Queen Umeana
EDT 5500 ~950
Reading _ Reflection
Vcast - Week #6

The video podcast (vcast) by Dick Hardt was okay. It’s an attention grabber for awhile. But, afterwards, I lost interest, not in the video but in the audio. Other vcast I have seen is much calmer in conveying the topic. I guess it depends on what the author is trying to get to his audience. There is a vcast I came across that not crabbed my attention, but I liked what the project makers do. It’s about a couple of people, 16 in all, that do science related projects, called over the weekend project. It was more real in its presentation. It was very visual and you could actually here comments from all involved in the project. The project was about having a balloon go into space. If you would like to know more about this vcast, click this link. In comparison to Hardt vcast, fast passed presentation, the style seems slightly stale. He did hit some good points when it came to having an idea of what identity 2.0 was all about. He walked through the current accepted forms of identity, along the way, made some jokes that kept his audience in tuned, which lead to the problems folks are facing today with identity crisis; along with the different amounts of info or identity on various wikipedia sites. He points out how one has to prove their identity so many times during their life currently (birth, passport, driver’s license). He addressed how identity right now, are kept behind a walled garden such as Google’s but articulated that what is needed is identity 2.0

He expressed the benefit of identity 2.0 such as portable credentials, rich portable profiles, identity services and delegation just to name a few. This type of vcast is great for those that want to be engaged in a fast paste presentations, for those that aren’t quit interested in the content per say. But for those, that want a vcast, full of content, presentation style, and how fast the vcast is going, perhaps might want to consider other vcast out there..

As for distraction, I did not see any distraction in Dick’s presentation. I do however, look to having a little distraction when creating my vcast. I’m assuming from despair, sitting down and playing with the video editing would be my distraction.

Dick Hardt presentation overall, was informative and a good way of using this is by showing the different methods of podcasting. “It captured the complexities of participating in an online world and how identity is at the center of the Web experience.” (Dan Farber)


Hardt, Dick (2005). Identity 2.0 . Oscon 2005 Keynote - Identity 2.0, from

Farber, Dan. Identity 2.0. Oscon 2005 Keynote - Identity 2.0, from

Philliptorrone, (2007, March, 3). DIY SPACE - Make: Video Podcast. Retrieved June 20th 2007, from

Monday, June 18, 2007

GIS for Teens and Problem Solving _ Week#5


EDT 5500
Podcast Refection

Today's podcast addresses how Geographic Information Systems (GIS) can help high school students find targeted areas of project analysis. GIS can help learners understand the world around them. It helps the educators and their audience promotes integrated learning across the board. GIS is not only used to teach environmental impact but, also gears towards historical findings of lost artifacts that need to be digitized and store in a digital, secure format. It is also used in Economics and organizations across the globe.

If a student is working on a project, relating to the geographical location of different earth formation, such as locating the sand dunes in the Upper Peninsular (UP) of Michigan geographically, using a GIS tool called ArcMap application would help greatly in their findings.

Listen to this mp3

Extra Resources Relating to GIS
Video and Article

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Podcast_Blog: Reading Reflection week #5

Queen Umeana
EDT – 5500
Blog on Podcast
Reading Reflection_ Week #5

“Podcasting is the start of a new media content revolution that is empowering individuals with the ability to globally distribute their ideas and create a following of like minded fans. It is impacting traditional industries such as journalism, education and entertainment allowing anyone to freely create and distribute news and media.” (Starak, 2005)

Podcasting seems to taken the media world. The author clearly focused on the different ways this form of media has been used. He address how in the next couple of years, the idea of podcasting is going to empower the globe, giving those that are interested the ability to engage, share their ideas, and communicated effective through the power on the internet.

Personally, I have never own or use an ipod and never know the capacity of its built. From all the talks and podcasting availabilities, as in my job, working with young minds, one thing I do see, educationally, is how showing students that their work can be validated by giving them an audience. Could you imagine how exciting, anxious and real learning would become for these students?

Podcasting can gear towards those students that falls in certain circumstances such as being bulled at school and not wanting to attend or the classes at school due to drastic illness as a means up catching up with work and submit it w/out actually going to the school. In a professional setting, podcast offer ways of communication and discussion amongst expertise. It provides commentary on a latest trends and interest in related application to the topic being discussed. Without having to actually be at the location, and could still attend the podcast of the round table commentary. For example, applications relating to GIS and Spatial Information Management Industry are good idea because many industries are now becoming familiar with what Geographic Information Systems (GIS) is about and its capabilities. Having a podcast in which folks can document their attendance to a GIS related function they attend for community services, because it’s required for society is an excellent way of podcasting.

Among the easiest ways to publish work is through the Internet. On the Web, everyone who cares to be an author, creator, and publisher can author, create, and publish. It stands to reason that podcasting is an ideal mechanism for students to share their work and makes learning more real. We are no longer limited by plain text on the Web. Student publishers can publish a variety of content online, including audio and video podcasts.

As podcast continues to grow so does the industry mood stays positive and we look to things to become simpler with time.


Starak, Yaro (2005, August, 15). What is a podcast and how can I use one? Entrepreneurs
Journey Podcast, Retrieved June 15, 2007, from http://www.entreprenueurs-

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Blog Entry - Rubric

Queen Umeana
EDT – 5500 ~950 Multimedia Applications
Instructor: Melinda Waffle

There are so many readings out there on this topic. It’s a little bit hard to distinguish because they both service similar purpose. They are tools for posting, editing and managing a collection of hypertext pages that pertains to specific topic. From what I’ve come to understand, blogs displays a set of pages in time order whereas a wiki displays pages as a set of linked pages which at times includes comment made by others permalinks, RSS feeds and other types of notifications. Both a blog and wiki page style of presentation allows edit to be made by individual or a handful of people. Several of the articles I came across and even talked to several people made similar comment which was, they all agreed that blogs allows for conversation and comments between people. Blogs are more or less a journal entry like a diary; instead it’s on the web. An example is businesses are increasingly using wiki’s to allow users of their products to write documentation and the result is better, more comprehensive documentation than a product manager or engineer could write, (Wiki vs. Blog). A way of using these tools is to know that student would not have to go through the obstacles of creating a so called webpages. It’s much easier now. These tools provide ready to use site with simple user interface and the ability to easily add pages, navigate through the logs, and make student’s life less complex and less time trying to develop a website.

It seems as more organizations adopt the wiki for collaboration and information, student will be prepare to use these tools in their careers.


Article I read:

Blog Article:

Riley, Duncan (2003). Is The Art of Rejection Lost? Retrieved June 11, 2007, from

Wiki Article:

Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Edubuntu and Canonical, Unknown Ubuntu Community, Retrieved June 11, 2007, from

Others articles I read:

Augar, N., Raitman, R., & Zhou, W. (2004). Teaching and Learning Online with wikis. Retrieved June 11

2007, from

Stewart, Mader (2006, March, 03). Wiki vs. Blog. Retrieved June 11, 2007, from
